12th Annual Coalition for Global Hearing Health
January 20-22, 2022 • Fully Virtual
Coalition for Global Hearing Health 2022. Virtual Global Conference. 20 - 22 January 2022. 14h00 - 17h30 (CET)

Abstract Details

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10/12/2017  |   9:00 AM - 3:00 PM   |  East Ballroom at Shalala Student Services Building

Pre-Conference Session
Operating a Field Based Earmold Lab

One critical component of successful and sustainable community based ear and hearing care services, in a low - and middle - income country, is prompt provision of earmolds for dispensed hearing aids. Though, earmold laboratories can ensure success, the time to train and resources required for production can be very time intensive and cost prohibitive. However, when costs are abated, the earmold lab can become a serendipitous cottage industry opportunity in a region that will benefit from a fiscal boost. This workshop will provide information about materials required as well as the protocol for production. The model created by the charity, Ears, Inc., has been used effectively in many parts of the world, and enhance d local economy with much needed cottage industry skills. The workshop will provide instruction for production materials, and suggest the infra-structure for establishing the earmold lab, as well as recommend training procedures for the local program partners.

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David Pither (POC,Primary Presenter), Ears Inc,;
I have been custom making earmolds since 1976, repairing hearing aids, some manufacture of custom hearing aids and primarily audiometry and dispensing of hearing aids. Since 1989 undertaking trips to developing countries establishing earmold labs and clinics. In 1997 founding Ears Inc, a registered charity which is “dedicated to reducing the incidence and impact of hearing impairment through training and equipping local individuals and agencies in developing countries”.

Financial - Receives Ownership interest for Board membership from World Hearing Organisation International.  

Nonfinancial - Has a Institutional (policy maker) relationship for Board membership.  


Financial - Receives support from a) World Hearing Organisation International b) Ears Inc.