Call for Applications: Deadline February 7, 2022

As part of activities promoting World Hearing Day, the World Hearing Forum (WHF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Coalition for Global Hearing Health (CGHH) invite proposals for WHF-CGHH Small Grants for World Hearing Day 2022.

The World Hearing Day 2022 will be observed on March 3, 2022 with the theme "To hear for life, listen with care!". World Hearing Day activities will focus on the importance and means of hearing loss prevention through safe listening, with the following key messages:

  • It is possible to have good hearing across the life course through ear and hearing care.
  • Many common causes of hearing loss can be prevented, including hearing loss caused by exposure to loud sounds.
  • 'Safe listening' can mitigate the risk of hearing loss associated with recreational sound exposure.
  • WHO calls upon governments, industry partners and civil society to raise awareness for and implement evidence-based standards that promote safe listening.
    Target groups:
  • Decision makers
  • Venue managers, and owners of entertainment venues
  • General public especially young adults
    The World Hearing Day will mark the launch of the:
  • Global standard for safe listening entertainment venues,
  • mSafeListening handbook, and
  • Media toolkit for journalists.

#safelistening #worldhearingday #hearingcare
All stakeholders in the field are invited to organize events and activities to raise awareness on hearing loss and widely disseminate the WHO Global standard for safe listening entertainment venues to promote its adoption and implementation.

To promote and support such actions, WHF, WHO, and CGHH have launched a small grants scheme. As part of this scheme, partners can apply for a grant of up to USD 800 to cover expenses related to World Hearing Day activities. A maximum of 50 grants will be provided based on recommendations made by a selection panel.

    Eligibility criteria: Events/activities will be eligible for the small grants scheme if they:
  • Take place on or close to the World Hearing Day (3 March 2022)
  • Focus on the theme: "To hear for life, listen with care!"
  • Target the general population and/or policymakers, to raise awareness about hearing loss
  • Use WHO awareness materials for the day
  • Have measurable outcome(s)
  • Are registered on the World Hearing Day Event Registration site
    Requirements / Timeline
  • Make an application by February 7, 2022
  • Provide details of the host organization/institution or the organizer
  • Notification of selected grantees will be made by February 17, 2022
  • Following the event, a brief report with photos must be submitted to WHO by March 14, 2022. Photos must include a signed declaration of consent from recognizable persons in the photographs
  • Selected grantees will receive up to USD 800 by 31 March 2022
    Selection Process:
  • Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts selected from the WHF, WHO, and CGHH.
  • Each grant application will be scored on a scale of 0-80 points using the following criteria:
    • Are the activities relevant to the theme? (0-10 points)
    • Is the organization aligned to the principles of the World Hearing Forum? (0-10 points)
    • Will the activity help to raise awareness on hearing loss? (0-10 points)
    • Does the activity have a measurable outcome? (0-10 points)
    • Is this an innovative activity? (0-10 points)
    • Could this activity inspire others to act, by being showcased? (0-10 points)
    • Is the organization/activity likely to benefit from the small grant? (0-10 points)
    • Your overall rating of this application? (0-10 points)
  • Applications with the most points will be selected for funding with preference given to first time awardees. Once the activity reports and photos have been received by the WHO, the grant amount will sent to the relevant organizations via a PayPal account. A certificate will also be given by the World Hearing Forum.